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Oomph! is an award-winning social enterprise dedicated to transforming the quality of life of older and vulnerable adults through exercise and activity provision.

Oomph! provides training, support and services to empower anyone working with these groups to deliver a 360 degree approach to mental, physical and emotional wellbeing, proving our impact every step of the way.
Oomph!’s train the trainer model allows clients to deliver exercise and therapeutic recreational activities in a cost effective, sustainable way ensuring end users get the maximum benefit. Oomph! works with over 40 care providers including care home groups, Local Authorities, County Sports Partnerships and community support organisations.

"It is invigorating for the staff, residents and their families too. We are seeing even more interaction, fun and laughter in our homes, which is a key element in our culture and benefits staff and customers alike.”
– Christine Asbury, Chief Executive, WCS Care Group

“When I first came in here about 6 months ago I was in a wheelchair and everything had to be done for me… Since then, doing regular Oomph! alongside physio has helped a lot, and the company has kept me from not being depressed. I can now walk with a stick, if someone holds my other hand. My GP said I would never walk again, but I’ll now be going back home to live.”
– Doris, Bucklesham Grange, Hallmark

In the last year Oomph! has trained and supported over 1,095 care staff around the UK who in total deliver 38,260 Oomph! sessions per year. These sessions have resulted in a 67% improvement in physical mobility, 75% improvement in mental stimulation and 81% improvement in social interaction, with a 13% improvement in self-reported quality of life. For more information on the impact that Oomph! makes, view their Annual Impact Report, or click here to be taken to the Oomph! website.